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Tue, 25 Jan



Cothrom Cabadaich - B1 - C1 - Madainn/Morning (1)

Cothrom dha pàrantan aig ìre eadar-mheadhanach - adhartach a bhith a' bleadraich sa Ghàidhlig. An opportunity for parents at an intermediate - advanced level to have a wee blether in Gaelic every week.

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Cothrom Cabadaich - B1 - C1 - Madainn/Morning (1)
Cothrom Cabadaich - B1 - C1 - Madainn/Morning (1)

Time & Location

25 Jan 2022, 10:00 – 10:30 GMT


About the event

Thathas an dùil gum bi na sgilean-labhairt agad aig co-dhiù ìre B1. Mura h-eil thu ro chinnteach gu dè an ìre aig a bheil thu, thoir sùil air an Fhreama-Iomraidh Choitcheann Eòrpach airson Chànanan (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), gus tuigse nas fheàrr fhaighinn air do chomasan cànain fhèin.

Clàraich tro Eventbrite.

It is expected that your speaking skills be no less than B1 level. If you are not too sure what level you are at, have a look at the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) to better understand your own level of Gaelic.

Please register via Eventbrite.

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5 Mitchell's Lane

5 Caolshraid Mhìcheil
Inbhir Nis

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