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Is your group missing from our local timetables? Let us know in the form below so we can add it in:
Ainm na buidhne | Name of group
Prìomh neach-conaltraidh | Main person of contact for group
Dreuchd sa bhuidhinn | Role
Post-d | Email
CÃ it am bi a' bhuidheann a' cruinneachadh? | Where Does the group meet? Please give the full address.
Cuin a bhios a' bhuidheann a' cruinneachadh? | When does the group meet?
Cunntas sgiobalta air a' bhuidhinn | A brief description of the group
A bheil seo rè teirm na sgoile a-mhà in? | Is this during term time only?
Tha | Yes
Chan eil | No
Postairean no bileagan mun bhuidhinn | Poster or leaflets about the group.
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